Smoke Culture U.S.A.
ALL-NEW. Quick on-the-go cleanse
Get clean when you need to be clean with an alternative to the larger QCarbo. Easy to drink concentrated QCarbo formula in a discreet unlabeled bottle.
For same-day detox results, follow these easy steps:
1 . Drink the 1 oz. concentrated liquid and then take the 4 capsules with water
2 . Continue to drink another 20 to 32 oz. of water
3 . Urinate frequently during the first hour to expel toxins. Drink water as needed.
4 . Same day cleanse achieved
1. If you can, do a pre-cleanse.
2. Drink water. The more you urinate and flush your body, the quicker you'll be cleaner.
3. We recommend drinking enough water after your detox to urinate 3 or more times
4. Avoid toxins. Why add toxins when you're trying to clean your body of them, right?
5. Consider avoiding, nicotine, smoking, alcohol and more.
6. Start your detox on an empty stomach
7. An empty stomach may help the vitamins and herbs absorb into your body more quickly
8. Consult your physician before your detox, particularly if you’re taking any medication.
- Consult a doctor before beginning a detox regimen.
- Do not use this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have kidney or gallbladder disorder or disease.
- This product is not recommended for prolonged use.
- This product is made with botanical herbs.
- When using this product, you may experience nausea, dizziness, diarrhea or cramping. If you start to experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use of product immediately. If symptoms persist, seek medical assistance.
- This product is not recommended for children.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Not intended for daily use.