Smoke Culture U.S.A.
Myweigh Maestro 345 2500i Scale W/Adapter 8000g X 0.1g
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- Designed for bakers with a baker's percentage feature
Two-scales-in-one design:
- Main large platform (8" x 7.25") with 8000g capacity and 1g resolution
- Smaller platform (2.63" x 2.5") with 200g capacity and 0.1g resolution, slides out from the bottom
- Detachable main screen for easy reading with large items
- Features 8 Weighing Modes: Grams, Ounces, Carats, Pennyweights, Troy Ounces, Pounds, Pounds : Ounces, Kilograms
- Tare Feature
- Hold Feature
- Memory Feature remembers last unit used
- Stainless Steel Platforms
- Programmable On/Off Feature
- Programmable Beeps on Buttons
- Accessories: Includes Power Adapter
- Warranty: 3 Years manufacturer Warranty